Kenneth R. Sechler, Attorney at Law - Lawyer, Dublin, Ohio

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Estate Planning
Real Estate
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Attorney at Law - Lawyer

Dublin, Ohio

Probate - Administration of Estates and Trusts
  My practice includes the administration of decedent's estates through probate court administration and through non-probate administration, including re-titling assets and filing estate tax returns. 
  My practice also includes the administration of trusts.
Resources - Probate
  Ohio State Bar Association LawFacts Pamphlets - Adobe PDF Format
Probate Guardianships
  Administering an Estate Without a Will

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Ohio Estate Tax:
Effective June 30, 2011, Ohio adopted a law that repeals the Ohio estate tax for estates of persons dying on or after
January 1, 2013.

Why is the administration of some decedents' estates complicated and costly?

The lack of lifetime planning based on good legal advice, and the failure to follow a lawyer's advice concerning the administration of an estate can result in unnecessary expense and inconvenience.
It is wise to get good advice from your lawyer both in planning your estate and in administering an estate.


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5930 Wilcox Place, Suite A
Dublin, Ohio 43016-6804
614 / 889-0234

copyright © 2005-2020 Kenneth R. Sechler, Attorney at Law